Sonata Per Eterna (composition 2018-19)

“Sonata Per Eterna” Composition for (radio waves, and electromagnetic radiations).

“Sonata Per Eterna” is a deep sentimental work composed with self made recordings of electromagnetic radiations coming from the atmosphere and the outer space, including (radio waves from the sun, meteors echoes, VLF Natural Radio Phenomena), and radio communication (morse code, air communication, naval communication, teletext, among others). All the recordings from the outer space I have recorded in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory “Astrofili Urania” in Italy. The other recordings from the atmosphere, I have recorded with radio receivers, antennas, VLF receiver, during artistic residences and several travels in Europa between 2016-2018. This piece is inspired by my personal romantic idea feed it also by scientific notions about the journey of the soul, after death, to a perpetual motion in the universe. “The signal of the soul thought as a pure energy form, leaves the body and reach the outer space passing across cosmic storms, planets, pulsar stars, black holes, intergalactic dust, stellar winds to enter in the Krasnikov tube: a distortion of space-time that can be intentionally created in the wake of travel close to the speed of light. Through it, the soul will be able to reach the final destination discovering “Eternal” in another parallel universe. A piece of meteor comes back to earth as a symbol-messenger, bringing with it the secret of a new beginning of life”.

“Sonata Per Eterna” is dedicated to my father Giuseppe Zapparoli.
(He was self-taught poet, singer-songwriter, composer, musician).

Premiere, at Heroines of Sound Festival, HAU2 Berlin, (Germany) 2018.
Instrument: reel to reel tape machine, tape recorders, meteorite.

Video Trailer:

Sound and release:

Heroines of Sound Festival, Berlin 2018
photo: Marcellina Wellmer
Heroines of Sound Festival, Berlin 2018
photo: Marcellina Wellmer
Heroines of Sound Festival, Berlin 2018
photo:Udo Siegfriedt